On this episode of Movies Are Magic with Jennifer, experience the infamous Orson Welles hoax of the century, the approximately one-hour radio show “War of the Worlds” which aired in 1938. The original novel, “The War of the Worlds” is a science fiction story about a war between Earth and Martians from outer space. It was written by H.G. Wells in a serialized form in 1897. The War of the Worlds tale has been made into several movie versions, comic books, TV shows and of course radio shows. The most famous of which we’re sharing with you here on Movies Are Magic, the 1938 radio program directed by and starring Orson Welles that is said to have freaked out some of the radio-listening audience who thought the events unveiling throughout the radio hour were actually happening. This radio version was broadcast live on October 30, 1938, over the CBS Radio Network. Listen for yourself, and think about whether YOU might have been fooled by this portrayal of War of the Worlds starring Orson Welles.
Movies Are Magic with Jennifer host Jennifer Churchill also hosts Classic Films For Kids on The Film Detective. Check out her children's book Movies Are Magic: The Director’s Cut.
On this episode of Movies Are Magic with Jennifer, experience the infamous Orson Welles hoax of the century, the approximately one-hour radio show “War of the Worlds” which aired in 1938. The original novel, “The War of the Worlds” is a science fiction story about a war between Earth and Martians from outer space. It was written by H.G. Wells in a serialized form in 1897. The War of the Worlds tale has been made into several movie versions, comic books, TV shows and of course radio shows. The most famous of which we’re sharing with you here on Movies Are Magic, the 1938 radio program directed by and starring Orson Welles that is said to have freaked out some of the radio-listening audience who thought the events unveiling throughout the radio hour were actually happening. This radio version was broadcast live on October 30, 1938, over the CBS Radio Network. Listen for yourself, and think about whether YOU might have been fooled by this portrayal of War of the Worlds starring Orson Welles.
Movies Are Magic with Jennifer host Jennifer Churchill also hosts Classic Films For Kids on The Film Detective. Check out her children's book Movies Are Magic: The Director’s Cut.