Movies Are Magic with Jennifer

Episode 6: Noir City Chicago with Alan K Rode, TCM's Scott McGee + Valentino with My Silent Boyfriend

Jennifer Churchill Season 1 Episode 6

On this episode of Movies Are Magic, I will look into what's going on at the Noir City film festival at the Music Box Theatre in Chicago and chat up action movies and stunt work with Scott McGee, the Turner Classic Movies: TCM Senior Director of Original Productions and author of the new book DANGER ON THE SILVER SCREEN. We also pay homage to silent sex symbol Rudolph Valentino, who died tragically at age 31 in 1926. Show originally aired on Sunday, August 21, at 7 p.m. PST, on the dial at KSVY Sonoma 91.3 FM and streaming live everywhere in the world at

SPECIAL GUESTS: Alan K. Rode, Scott McGee, and My Silent Boyfriend

Movies Are Magic with Jennifer host Jennifer Churchill also hosts Classic Films For Kids on The Film Detective. Check out her children's book Movies Are Magic: The Director’s Cut.