Movies Are Magic with Jennifer

Episode 16: Marc Shaffer Gets Help From Gary Oldman in 'Exposing Muybridge'

Jennifer Churchill Season 1 Episode 16

On this episode of Movies Are Magic, meet local documentary filmmaker Marc Shaffer, who somehow landed Gary Oldman to be in his documentary film about one of the most unbelievably fascinating characters in film history, Eadweard Muybridge. Muybridge is that guy in the late 1800s who captured those iconic series of still images of horses in motion. Shaffer's documentary Exposing Muybridge (2021) screened at the Sonoma International Film Festival in early 2022. Interview originally aired on Sunday, December 11, 2022, on KSVY 91.3 FM in Sonoma.

Movies Are Magic with Jennifer host Jennifer Churchill also hosts Classic Films For Kids on The Film Detective. Check out her children's book Movies Are Magic: The Director’s Cut.